A brand is the sum of the tangible and intangible benefits provided by a product or service and encompasses the entire customer experience. Brands are thus pivotal to the relationship between companies and their customers. A successful brand has both a unique point of differentiation from the competition, and values that the customer segment really wants.
Brands offer customers a strong promise of authenticity and consistency. Without these, customer decision-making becomes at best a lottery and at worst a nightmare of choice. This promise is more than an aid to decision making because it actually creates value in its own right, by enhancing the experience of owning or using the product or service
In developing a brand strategy, Balfour Consulting will undertake an in-depth analysis of your brand, its core attributes and the benefits it delivers to your customers. From this we will clearly define the values that underpin your brand internally and externally, how should be positioned in the marketplace and the key messages to support that position.
Balfour Consulting develops marketing planning processes to define a set of core strategies that will apply your brand strategy across all areas of your business to achieve business and organisational objectives. The strategic approach is supplemented with implementation planning to ensure all marketing activities are undertaken in a timely and effective manner with all outcomes carefully measured against pre-set targets.
All marketing activities must be measured against pre-set criteria to ensure you are achieving the results you want and spending your marketing budget effectively.